Why custom orthotics?

We offer custom made orthotics from Foot Levelers at our Allegan, Michigan chiropractic office. 

The whole process begins with a quick digital scan of your bare feet.  The scan is then assessed for potential problem areas found in any of the three arches of your feet.  If a problem is found, we simply send your scanned results to Foot Levelers and they immediately begin making your custom fit orthotics. The orthotics come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and cost significantly less than those from a podiatrist or celebrity endorsed shoe store.

Is the source of your pain rooted in the foundation of your feet?  Imbalances in your feet may cause foot pain, knee pain, hip pain, low back pain, plantar fascitis or many other conditions.

These orthotics come in a variety of styles to fit your specific shoe and activity level. They are comfortable, and quality crafted to last.

Contact Us

Call us today to schedule your free digital foot scan consultation to determine if you have a foot problem.